Charts That Matter- Vol 16

1.Capacity utilisation crosses 75%. Probably the most important piece of data for Indian economy  ……….why?
Till now govt spending and household consumption has kept the economy growing but both C ( consumption) and G (governement spending) cannot give a long term boost to the economy. It has to come from Private Capex (I) and
once capacity utilisation reaches around 80% I expect Private sector to start putting new capacities and the baton of lifting GDP growth can be passed on to the Private sector which is more sustainable

2.Financial engineering (stock buybacks) have been adding support to the share price of Apple but as Andy Kessler at WSJ writes “Smartphones are now like radial tyres. Everyone has one and they don’t wear out. Phone franchises are fickle. Ask Motorola and Nokia, if you can find them.One near- term sign of distress, Marketing tech products with splashy colours, as steve jobs did with tangerine IMacs is almost over.Apple hopes to make it up in services, but google leads in Maps, Netflix in video, and UBER in transportation. Apple is falling behind in most other growth segments. The company’s destructive seed is its desperate need for a new product category. it won’s be watches

3.Japan Bond market finally revolted against its central bank resolve and forgot that there is a lid on bond yields.

Japan 10 year bond yield yesterday rose 100% in one day…….. yes it went from 0.06% to 0.12% .
Now with JGB yield rising (It’s frightening how US yields have been pinned down by foreign buying) ,US yields have also picked up. If 3.25% goes in 30yr yields watch out for spill over to other markets including EM bonds.


4.Fidelity went to zero fees on their ETF . I mean WOW. I guess they would be making money from SLB ( securities lending and Borrowing). It is a matter of time we will see plethora of low cost ETF in India .

Communities Demanding Reservations Should Understand, Govts Don’t Create Jobs Anymore

Vivek Kaul writes “The era when the government created jobs is long gone. Of course, people still do not realise this and they demand a reservation in government jobs. And given this, a reservation of 16% even if it comes through is not going to help Marathas ( the latest demand for reservation)much on the jobs front.
The trouble is that if Marathas do manage to get a 16% reservation in jobs as well as education, other communities might want a reservation as well. The trouble is we can’t go beyond 100%.

Knowledge leaders funds- Investing in most Innovative companies around the world

A fantastic offering in my series of exciting Global ETF – KLDW ETF

Gavekal Knowledge leaders Developed world Index– The index is an equal-weighted index that seeks to track highly innovative companies. The index is designed to capture the Knowledge Effect, the tendency of stocks of highly innovative companies to experience excess returns. The index is constructed of Knowledge Leaders through Gavekal’s proprietary process that measures a company’s investment in its future growth. The model adjusts a company’s financial history in an effort to capitalize these investments and reveal the companies with the greatest knowledge intensity. The companies that pass a quantitative Knowledge Leaders screen comprise the index. The index consists of mid- and large-cap companies from the developed world, including North America, Europe and Asia.

The ETF tracks the performance of the above index

Read more from co Website and the ETF charges are 0.75%.

Charts That Matter- Vol 15

1.Google trends throws one more interesting trend. The search for “Insurance” reach five year low which is a matter of concern more so when penetration levels are still quite low.

2.For the past year, Kyla Jackson has been one of the only teenagers in the world who gets a ride to high school from a robot.When she’s ready to start her day, Kyla summons a self-driving car using the Waymo app on her phone. Five minutes later a Chrysler Pacifica run by the autonomous vehicle arm of Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc, stops at her home in Chandler, Arizona.
Alphabet is experimenting with prices and finalizing its business model before unleashing its autonomous fleet in Phoenix this year.

3.After five straight months of positive inflows, China saw net capital outflows in June. Further weakness in the RMB could trigger another episode of capital flight. Chinese authorities might become more proactive this time before Capital outflows start to accelerate. Last time when Capital fled China it created a bubble in Real estate from vancouver to Sydney .

India is also seeing its own version of Capital outflows with wealthy Indians leaving India with their money.

Connecting the Dots

One of the finest interview on global Markets,  Capital Flow and surprising explanation why equities will be the last man standing.

Some Points from Martin Armstrong Interview
1.This is really a consolidation (Equities). And what you have to ask yourself is, really, if interest rates are definitely going higher. There’s no question about that. So, effectively, you’ve got the bond market going down. You’ve got people concerned about government on all levels.

2.The safe haven, actually, is equities. And the amount of money in the bond markets versus equities is – everybody knows it’s close to 10 to 1.

3.There are certain times in history when the stock market is the problem. And then on the other side of the coin is when government is the problem.And that’s what we have.

4.It’s amazing how people just don’t look at history. I mean, if you look at the DOW – all this stuff about, oh, higher interest rates, the stock market should go down. Just look at the data and you’ll see that is absolutely false. The Federal Reserve doubled interest rates between 1927 and 1929 and the stock market doubled.The thinking process before socialism was quite different. As long as interest rates were going up, it was viewed as bullish for the stock market because it showed there was still a demand to borrow, which is correct.

5.China is going to eventually be the financial capital of the world. But we haven’t gotten there yet. They still have currency controls and things of this nature, so it’s not a free currency to be able to invest in or trade yet. Yet it is the third largest bond market in the world.

6.Basically, the trade is long dollar, long US assets. You’re seeing a lot of major capital throwing the poor out of Europe and coming over here. You have the US fund managers that keep selling the stock market saying, oh, it’s overvalued, overvalued. Well, the foreigners are buying it.

7.The issue is people will run to gold when they question the validity of government. And that’s where the politics comes back in. It’s a question of your faith in government.

Must Read Full Interview


Charts That Matter- Volume 14

1.In an inflationary environment … do NOT expect bonds to act as a hedge to lower equities ( very evident today). As the correlation between prices moves positive modern portfolio theory i.e. long “a diversified pool of assets” will get crushed, especially Risk Parity (Julian Brigden)

2.Dimnishing Returns-Consequences of Excess Debt
One of the most important concepts in the world to understand e.g why debt globally is expanding at 3,4,5X the rate of GDP growth.We might be in awe of china growth but see the sharp fall in GDP created per dollar of Debt.

I wish I had this data for India to compare, although I am pretty sure that our debt productivity is higher than all other economies shown in this chart (because of higher inflation).

3. It seems everybody is long dollar at same time and I think if dollar stalls here, we might see some short term relief rally in Emerging Markets


4. Great chart from IIF , they have named it “Trade Tantrum”

SBI raising deposit rates is more important than RBI raising rates

SBI has again raised deposit rates, not waiting for RBI signal.. albeit marginally,not only for shorter duration upto 90 days but also for longer maturities. They are not only realigning their rates to market but also making a judgement call of taking long term money 50 bp higher than last time.SBI was the biggest beneficiary post demonetisation and had got huge float money.So they never needed high cost time deposits hence they had cut deposit rates deeply so as to disincentivise any deposits flowing to them. In fact the entire banking system was flooded with more than 15lacs crore of almost free money lying in deposits and hence cut the rates deeply to make time deposits unattractive. This, in my view was the biggest reason that disheartened fixed deposit investors went all in to Mutual funds and insurance products.
But I am digressing from the topic. So cutting the long story short couple of things have happened in last one year.
1. The float money which SBI all along thought will become more permanent in nature has all been withdrawn and
2. Credit demand is becoming more durable in nature and higher bond yields are here to stay.
leading to double whammy for banking system and especially SBI.
They are not having enough deposits to fund credit demand …..period.
So they have gone ahead and raised the rates and not waited for RBI rate verdict tommorow.
Infact RBI can only influence overnight rates, not the deposit rates which banking system should be offering to their depositers and that is why what SBI did today is more important then RBI policy decision.
If banking system starts receiving enough deposits (I doubt) at these deposit rates to satisfy credit demand and reduce the gap between deposit growth rate and credit growth rate then this is the top in interest rates, so watch out for that gap more than what RBI is going to do tommorow

Charts That Matter- Vol 13

1.It’s time for schools to teach Python, not Java, as their main intro to computer science. Along with being easier to learn and *actually* able to run anywhere on anything (like Basic back in the day), it’s the dominant language of AI and computer vision. My daughter took her first lesson in Python and she really liked it

2.The sector behaviour is extremely ‘weird’ from the last time we were at new highs.
Peak to Peak Analysis:
1. Defensives roaring all the Way
2. High Beta struggling,
3. Rest others are just about very patchy performances. ( Kunal Bothra)

3.Chinese economic data has weakened significantly and in last one week the authorities have blinked and we are back to the escalation of Chinese stimulus / easing .Why should  it matter? Because chinese credit creation is responsible for almost 50% of global credit creation in last 1o years and in my view this will lead to Potential commodities/cyclical melt up and value stocks outperforming growth equities

4. US Nominal GDP (real GDP at 4.1%) came at 7.4%. Rising velocity of money is normally associated with rising economic activity,rising inflation and higher bond yields.So who is putting bets on curve steepening?

The most hated metal is due for a comeback… and it is not Gold it is Uranium

The story of Uranium . Read below for excellent analysis on the metal and a company presentation of  uranium industry

How to invest

There are listed stocks where investors can invest directly but there is also a listed ETF goes by the symbol URA. The Global X Uranium ETF (URA) provides investors access to a broad range of companies involved in uranium mining and the production of nuclear components, including those in extraction, refining, exploration, or manufacturing of equipment for the uranium and nuclear industries.The fund charge an annual expense of 0.69%.

Market Signals

CMG wealth writes a weekly summary of their Trade Signals -Dashboard each Wednesday, Trade Signals looks at several of stock, investor sentiment and bond market indicators.

Trade Signals — Dashboard
(Bold is Bullish, Italics is Neutral and Bold & Italics is Bearish)
Equity Trade Signals:
Ned Davis Research CMG U.S. Large Cap Long/Flat Index: Buy Signal80% U.S. Large Cap Equity Exposure
Long-term Trend (13/34-Week EMA) on the S&P 500 Index: Buy Signal – Bullish Cyclical Trend Signal for Equities
Volume Demand (buyers) vs. Volume Supply (sellers): Buy Signal – S/T Bullish for Equities
Don’t Fight the Tape or the Fed: Indicator Reading = +1 (Bullish Signal for Equities)
Investor Sentiment Indicators:
NDR Crowd Sentiment Poll: Excessive Optimism (S/T Bearish for Equities)

Fixed Income Trade Signals:
CMG Tactical Fixed Income Index: Bullish on Emerging Market Sovereign Debt

Economic Indicators:
Global Recession Watch Indicator –
Rising Global Recession Risk
U.S. Recession Watch Indicator – Low U.S. Recession Risk (Next 6-9 Months)
Inflation Watch – High Inflation Pressures