Trying to Score two goals

Samuel rines is a very underrated economist and his commentary on FOMC is very thought Provoking

The Fed did not miss its opportunity. It delivered a surprisingly straightforward, easy to understand message of “we aren’t going anywhere”. The Fed stated it was not raising rates until maximum employment can be reached (unemployment around 4%), and inflation ran modestly above 2%. That is very dovish forward guidance from the Fed. By doing so, it locked itself into keep rate policy extremely accommodative for an extended period of time. With employment at the forefront of policy, policy should be more easily understood.Regardless, aiming for two goals is difficult. And the Fed will lean dovish until it manages to get both on target.  “I like to reinvent myself — it’s part of my job.”
― Karl Lagerfeld
The Fed need to reinvent itself before COVID. Because of COVID, its pivot was all the more necessary. By putting employment at the forefront of its mandate, the Fed creates a easy to understand goal. Here is what the policy setting Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) said:

“The Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and expects it will be appropriate to maintain this target range until labor market conditions have reached levels consistent with the Committee’s assessments of maximum employment and inflation has risen to 2% and is on track to moderately exceed 2% for some time.”

What does that mean? It means the Fed will try to hit about a 4% unemployment rate and get inflation higher before raising rates. How do we know it is around a 4% unemployment rate? Because the Fed tells us with its “longer-run projections”.  Interestingly, the FOMC seems to be a bit bullish on the speed of the return to full employment, but the lack of flexibility (having to get there before pivoting policy) is important. In the past, the Fed would “see emerging inflation pressures” or “robust labor market” and decide to tighten its policy stance. That has not worked out well in recent years, and the Fed has abandoned that policy. It is now a wait until it actually comes about- not could or should or might. 

That means that Fed projections do not matter anywhere near as much. The Fed has not been great at projecting the labor markets or inflation. So why trust those figures now?  Instead of worry about what the Fed thinks will come about (which was paramount a year ago), markets can assess the labor market for themselves and judge the duration and extent of monetary accommodation the Fed will provide. If the labor market recovery slows or accelerates, the duration of low rates and QE will change. 

Speaking of QE, there is more of that coming too. The Fed made clear that the current $120B monthly pace of US Treasury purchases will continue “at least at the current pace.” But what the Fed thinks will happen simply does not matter. That is powerful forward guidance. 

There is also an asymmetry in the forward guidance. If there is a downside surprise to the incoming data? “The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee’s goals.” If there is an upside surprise? Does not matter. There is no movement in accommodation. It only reduces the duration of that accommodation. 

In other words, the Fed made the pivot official – it is all about employment now and the Fed will only do more, not less. Monetary policy is going to be stimulative for the foreseeable future. And it has more tools to use if necessary. The Fed’s New Rule is in effect, and it is going to try to score two goals.  As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with comments, questions, or suggestions.

 Here is the sign-up page, and here is the archive. 

 Samuel E. Rines
Chief Economist
Avalon Investment and Advisory 
Direct: 713-358-6077
2929 Allen Parkway, Suite 3000
Houston, Texas  77019

Under the “Macroscope”: The Decade Ahead

Niels Bohr, my fellow countryman and Nobel laureate in Physics and father of the atomic model, is quoted as saying, “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future!” However, change is the only constant and change is not an event; it is a process and as such, we can explore what such processes may look like. From there, we can map out different paths to major change and from that vantage point, we can monitor for signals that may help us determine the probable direction of travel in the key economic, financial, and social spheres. As investors and business owners, we can thus position ourselves to manage the risks and harness the opportunities.

In this exploration of the decade ahead, I will be putting the US under the ‘macroscope’ as it remains the key cog in the global economic and financial machine. It has been dominant on most fronts for the last 70 years, and in terms of financial flows and asset markets performance, it has been ‘exceptional’ for the last decade. However, many of the considerations I’ll raise will also be applicable to various degrees to the other key components of the global economy and all are interconnected at historically high levels.

As we exited the Great Recession in the early 2010s after unprecedented monetary and fiscal measures, there was much talk of the onset of the ‘Japanification’ of all developed economies. Many observers are expecting this to finally set in during the 2020s. The human mind likes to put neat labels on complex things and then file them away in an orderly spreadsheet-like mental space never to be questioned and thought much about again. This approach comes with great risk of a rude awakening in the real world. The US is not Japan – culturally, politically, economically, or financially. There are certainly overlaps: financial repression at the monetary level, debt dependency, centralization and zombification have gradually gained the upper hand in the financial and economic spheres during the last decade. The Covid-19 crisis has been an accelerant for all of these trends, and its effects will be with us long after the virus. While the monetary playbook has been the same, it’s the reactions to its outcomes that should be considered. Politically, culturally, and socially, the US is a very different place and, in my view, it’s those differences rather than the similarities that will be most important in terms of shaping the outcomes for the next decade.

A look back to the 1960s…

These political and social forces will turn ‘ice into fire’ as the 2020s get underway. The current “Molotov Cocktail” zeitgeist smells more like the late 1960s to early 1970s to me: coming out of increasingly unpopular foreign entanglements (Vietnam then – ‘War on Terror’ now), with the nation’s social fabric stretched to its breaking point, and matters of race and inequality dividing society across rural/urban and generational lines, only a short time after what felt like major social and economic progress. A world still shaped in the image of the ‘Washington consensus’, looking increasingly out of consensus and confused by the messages coming out of the ‘shining city on a hill’. As the 1970s got underway, it was clear that there were deep political and social problems. The late-60s were marked by riots in major US cities, the military was deployed on US streets, and protesting students were shot and killed by the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University. These were truly partisan times, while several high-profile civil rights leaders were assassinated, as was a presidential candidate.

Once it became clear that crackdowns and displays of hard power were only making matters worse, the chosen solution was to throw money at the problems. The ‘guns vs. butter’ debate turned into the ‘guns and butter’ framework that has been with us ever since. The political economy set in and fiscal measures became the answer to all ills. Debt became the remedy and central banks were co-opted to monetize it. In 1971, President Nixon abolished the post WWII Bretton Woods system and severed the USD’s final links to gold, thereby removing cumbersome restraints. The price was paid via the currency and eventually through exceedingly high levels of inflation. In 1972, an embattled Nixon left office in disgrace, after the fallout from the Watergate scandal.

Back to the future…

So where are we heading? Well, ‘history rarely repeats, but it does rhyme’ on occasion. The upcoming US presidential election is obviously on the forefront of most people’s minds. It may come to be a seen as a point of departure, but the dynamics of the 2024 election may prove more consequential in terms of actual policy changes beyond the rhetoric.

Let’s get fiscal…and soak the rich…

In 2020, the Millennial and Gen Z generations will numerically match the Boomer and Silent Generation in the electorate (if they come out to vote) and this trend will obviously only continue to tilt more and more in their favor, even with the quirks of the Electoral College for presidential elections factored in. Without getting into the party politics of it, one can clearly see the interests of this rising electorate majority. Millennials, who are now in their early 30s, own just 3% of the total US household wealth, according to the Federal Reserve. The Boomer Generation entered their late 30s in the 1990s with 21% of the household wealth and they currently hold 57% of it.

People tend to vote in line with their interests, especially in times of economic crisis, so fiscal spending focused on areas important to the younger generations and broader wealth redistribution measures would appear to be baked into the cake. The top marginal tax rate for individuals in the years between 1965 and 1981 was 70% and finally in 1978, faced with double digit inflation rates, income tax brackets were adjusted for inflation leading to fewer people being directly taxed at the highest rates. Currently, personal and corporate tax rates are at relatively low levels. Considering the current debt and fiscal dynamics alone, it is hard to see how they are not heading for significantly higher levels in the years ahead. Add in political sentiments and the required spending to get the economy back on track and you are looking at a fraught landscape.

The witches’ brew…

In the last decade, global monetary policy has been loose, but fiscal policy was relatively tight. The last couple of years in the US were the exception, with tax cuts and fiscal spending combined with relatively tighter monetary policy. Now both have been unleashed in the face of the Covid-19 crisis. Fiscal spending is politically hard to scale back, let alone stop, once you get started, and as we have seen, once monetary policy gets going and becomes a key driver of asset prices, that also becomes impossible to rein in.

The risk going forward is that there is a sense of ‘the boy who cried wolf’ attached to inflation risk, after many observers made strongly-worded predictions about high to hyper-inflation being just around the corner when those first rounds of QE were unleashed back in ‘08. Populations seeking simple, painless solutions to complex, difficult issues tend to find politicians who will make promises of exactly that. The ‘answer’ would appear to be ‘MMT’ by another name with never-ending ‘temporary’ fiscal programs paid for by more and more debt, which in turn is bought by the central bank spiced up with some ‘tax the rich’ efforts for good measure.

In the mid-1960s, US inflation was below 2% before exploding into double digits in the mid-1970s. Will this ‘rhyme’ with the 2020s? The ingredients are all there. What is for sure is that most central banks have lost their independence and are increasingly a tool for government policy. With global levels of debt reaching a record $258trln in Q1 2020, it will be very painful to raise interest rates and any policy errors will be felt far and wide.

This is a volatile brew that has been simmering for a while and may come to a boil in the decade ahead. Investors need to think about these dynamics – social, political, economic, financial – and make sure they are prepared to face the risks and harness the opportunities.

With financial repression set to spread beyond the monetary policy domain, ‘how you own’ will be as important as ‘what you own’, so make sure your vessel can weather the storm. On the investment front, it starts with comprehensive risk management and global cross asset class strategies. Finding companies supported by decade-long mega trends powered by innovation and with a proven ability to navigate change, and then building positions upon market disruptions when most are fearful, will be key.

It’s also worth noting that currently ‘Real Assets’ relative to ‘Financial Assets’ are at their lowest point since records began in 1926. Precious metals, productive land (farm & forestry) and real estate in stable jurisdictions might be a good place to start as you look to protect what is rightfully yours on the path ahead. On a final note, always stay humble and nimble and operate with a margin for error for optimal outcomes.

A New Bull Market for Precious Metals

By Crescat Capital

Central banks are facing a serious predicament. After decades of ongoing accommodative monetary policy, the world is now sitting at record levels of debt relative to global GDP. In our view, there has never been a bigger gulf between underlying economic fundamentals and security prices. We are in a global recession, but equity and credit markets still trading at outrageous valuations. Markets are trading on a perverse combination of Fed life support and rabid speculative mania. Meanwhile, demand for gold and silver, which is fundamentally cheap, is starting to take off as central banks are engaged in new record easy monetary policies. Ongoing easy monetary policies in the face of today’s asset bubbles in stocks and fixed income securities has a high probability of leading to a self-reinforcing cycle that drives investors out of these over-valued asset classes and into under-valued precious metals. Here are just some of the reasons Crescat is selling richly valued stocks at large and buying undervalued gold and silver including mining companies today:

  • The economy is now reaching credit exhaustion with record amounts of government and corporate debt relative to GDP worldwide.
  • The debt burden ensures weak future real economic growth.
  • Monetary debasement is the only way to reduce the debt burden. Fiat currencies are now engaged in a race to the bottom.
  • Global monetary base expansion to suppress interest rates creates a supercharged environment for gold and silver.
  • The global economy is in a severe recession with structural underpinnings beyond Covid-19.
  • Unemployment has spiked an historic 6.7% in just five months from 3.5% to 10.2% even after settling back from temporary 14.7% Covid-19 lockdown levels.
  • US equities today trade at truly record valuations, a full-blown mania. Ongoing policy rescue has perverted both free market accountability and price discovery creating a simultaneous zombie economy and stock market bubble which is unsustainable. Speculative asset bubbles are ripe for bursting.
  • During the 1970s precious metals bull market, 10-year real yields got as low as -4.9%. We strongly believe we are headed in that direction and again with a long runway, especially with Jay Powell’s new signaling from Jackson Hole.
  • A colossal $8.5 trillion of US Treasuries will mature by the end of 2021 and will need to be refinanced. Our government’s own central bank, the Fed, is the only entity capable of swallowing its debt guaranteeing new record levels of money printing to top today’s already historic levels.
  • Precious metals became a forgotten class among large allocators of capital in the extended expansion phase of the last busines cycle.
  • With $15 trillion of negative yielding bonds, equities’ earnings real yields at a decade low, and corporate bonds near record prices, gold and silver are being rediscovered for their tactical as well as strategic risk reducing and return generating properties in prudently balanced portfolios.
  • The precious metals mining industry is the one clear industry to directly benefit from this monetary and fiscal indulgence. The aggregate market value of this industry still is almost 3 times smaller than Apple’s market cap.
  • Precious metals are now trading at historically depressed levels relative to money supply; overall stocks, on the other hand, are the complete opposite.
  • After a decade-long bear market, precious metals miners have been reluctant to spend capital. Now, they have historically low equity dilution, clean balance sheets, and record free cash flow growth.
  • The lack of investment in exploration and new gold and silver discoveries is setting up an incredibly bullish scenario for metals as supply is likely to remain constrained for an extended period at the same time while demand is poised to explode.
  • The year-over-year change in gold prices just broke out from a decade-long resistance. Last time we saw such strong appreciation was at the early stages of the 1970s gold bull market.

Financial markets simply cannot withstand higher interest rates. We believe the Fed has been forced into a new mandate, to suppress yields at all cost. This dynamic of expanding the monetary base to purchase assets and manipulate rates lower is an explosive mix for precious metals.

The break of the gold standard in 1971 was just as impactful as the Fed’s recent unlimited QE policy. Back then, it marked a period of lack of financial and fiscal discipline that triggered a frenetic 10-year bull market for gold. This time, we have arguably even stronger macro drivers for precious metals. As we show in the chart below, we have been in a clear trend of structurally increasing government deficits.

The S&P 500 real earnings yield is at its lowest level in a decade. Prior lows were also times that gold outperformed equities. In the early 2000s, for instance, the gold-to-S&P 500 ratio went up by 120% over 3 years. Even in 2010, a bull market for stocks, gold outperformed by 50%. The difference this time is that stocks have never been so overvalued at the same time as the economic growth outlook has been so challenged. We believe strongly this is the perfect time to buy gold and sell stocks. And when we say “buy gold”, we also include silver and precious metals mining stocks where there is even more upside exposure (both alpha and beta) to a macro move up in gold.

The debt quandary the US government faces also adds tremendously to our views on precious metals. From a funding perspective, 71% of all Treasuries issued in the past year matures in less than 12 months, resulting on Treasury Bills outstanding to surge to $5 trillion! The US Treasury is hoarding a record of $1.79 trillion of this cash. A similar buildup happened back in 2008-9. A major difference this time is the fact that Treasury Bills outstanding are almost $3.3 trillion higher than their cash balance. In such scenario, average maturity of government debt has dramatically declined to 64 months. As a result, there is a tsunami of $8.5 trillion of Treasuries that will be maturing by the end of 2021 ensuring astronomic levels of money printing in the near term.

Skeptics of Crescat’s long gold thesis often say real yields can’t move any lower. This is often because this are looking at the TIPS market which only dates back to 1997 and real yields are already at their lows for this time frame. Therefore, some investors assume interest rates when adjusted for inflation expectations have never been lower. That, unfortunately, fails to include one of the most important analogs to today’s set up, the decade of the 1970s. Back then, 10-year yields less inflation measured by CPI twice reach as low as about -4.9%. Those moments of large and declining negative real interest rates drove two of the US most significant surges in gold, silver, and precious metals mining stocks in US history. In today’s conundrum, corporations and governments are historically indebted and can’t take higher nominal yields, ensuring that strong monetary stimulus is here to stay to drive real yields lower, just like Jay Powell has promised.

A major narrative shift is underway. The old times of precious metals being perceived just as haven assets are probably over. With $15 trillion worth of negative yielding bonds, record overvalued stocks and a historically leveraged global economy, investors will likely begin to look at gold and silver, especially mining companies, with a fresh pair of eyes: growth and value. Precious metals miners are the only industry where we are seeing strong and sustainable growth in revenues and future free cash flow at still incredibly low valuations today. Investors are starting to take note. Silver mining stocks, for instance, have already started to outperform even the market darlings, tech stocks. We believe this is only the beginning of a new era for precious metals.

The mining industry built a reputation of being capital destroyers since it peaked in 2011. But today this skepticism is no longer warranted. It is mind blowing that gold prices have just hit record highs and the larger mining companies have barely engaged in share dilution. In aggregate, the top fifty gold and silver miners by market cap that trade in Canadian and US exchanges have only issued close to $266 million in equity in the last twelve months. That was the second lowest amount of 12-month equity issuance in the last 3 decades. These companies have also just paid down $200 million of debt in the last quarter.

We have also noticed extremely conservative capital spending by miners. Throughout history, the CAPEX cycle for the industry tends to follow gold and silver prices incredibly close. Logically, this makes sense. As metal prices move higher, these businesses become more optimist and therefore focus on advancing their projects. This time, however, even though gold and silver prices have moved significantly higher, companies remain reluctant to spend capital. This level of divergence never happened in prior bull markets for precious metals. This is fundamentally bullish for entire asset class as we expect the supply of gold and silver to stay constrained for longer. It is also fundamentally bullish for Crescat’s activist investment strategy in the industry where we we can deploy capital into undervalued companies with big, highly economic projects that are ripe to move forward in current macro environment.

Precious metals miners have never looked so financially strong. If the industry were a sector, it would have the cleanest balance sheet among all sectors in the S&P 500. The median company in the S&P 500 today has historically high total debt to assets of 35%. Top miners, on the other hand, have only 12%. For such capital-intensive businesses, today’s healthy industry-wide capital structure is nice set-up to kick off a new secular bull market in precious metals mining.

We think it is important to get a sense of the both the value and growth opportunity today to see the incredible appreciation potential ahead of us. When we look at the ratio of gold and silver miners to global equities, it is still is near all-time lows and appearing to form a very bullish base, similar to what we saw back in early 2000s. Mining stocks meanwhile are about to become free cash flow growth machines. Juniors with a large scale, high grade new deposits, carry mind-blowing NPVs and IRRs. It is far and away the industry with the strongest combination of deep value and high growth opportunity for today’s macro environment.

In contrast to the value and growth prospects for miners, it is shocking to see Apple’s market cap still about 3.5 times the size of the entire precious metals industry. If anything, this reflects the level of skewness to the upside for gold and silver stocks in the near and medium term. This is the only industry to truly benefit from today’s world of unlimited QE and deficits.

As we show below, Apple’s stock price appreciated at a much faster growth rate than its underlying free cash flow on a rolling twelve-month, forward-looking basis. The stock price is way ahead of its fundamentals. Apple is just one the many poster children for the manic speculation and excess in today stock market at large. Stocks like Microsoft, Tesla, and Netflix show similar looking disconnect.

With stock market indices making new highs, the narrowing breadth is ominous, especially in the tech-laden NASDAQ Composite.

The valuation of US stocks at large based a combination of eight factors compiled by Crescat is the most over-valued ever. We believe that the stock market is more over-valued than in it was in 1929 and higher than 2000.

To think that the stock market does not have any downside risk because the Fed has its back is absurd. False hope in the Fed’s ability to sustain these market valuations is perhaps the sole remaining illusion holding this market up. If your are in the crowded investor camp that believes easy monetary policy can prevent a market crash this time around because the Fed is engaged in easy monetary policy unlike the Great Depression, do yourself a favor and look up what happened to stock prices and multiples during the 1973-1974 bear market.

Easy monetary policies, as we have shown herein, are much more likely to drive investors out over-valued stocks and into under-valued precious metals. One precious metal that we are most excited about today is silver. Throughout history silver has played an important role in the monetary system. Its recent price surge made a lot of investors question the sustainability of this move, but in the grand scheme of things, silver remains near all-time lows relative to size of the US M2 money supply. The chart below is analytically important as it zooms out the still-early stages of what could be an incredible upsurge.

We have also recently noted that gold prices on a year over year basis just broke out from an over decade-long resistance. This is an important validation of our precious metals’ thesis. In our view, this looks a lot like the beginning of a late 70’s bull market.

Even after the largest liquidity infusion seen in history, equity markets are not only overvalued relative to their fundamentals but also relative to money supply. On the chart below, the S&P 500-to-M2 money supply ratio recently formed a double top from the insane tech bubble levels. It also still it well above peak of the housing bubble. For investors looking for bargains, it is not in the stock market at large. In our view, precious metals are almost solely the place to be today.

How does it all end? Colossal monetary dilution. None of us own enough gold. It is not just the US dollar that will be challenged. It is all the global fiat currencies of highly indebted countries. The Chinese yuan for instance is in an even worse predicament than the US dollar.

Chinese and Hong Kong banks are the most levered financial institutions in the global markets today. Chinese banks hold close to $43 trillion worth of highly inflated assets compared to China’s $14 trillion nominal GDP, an imbalance significantly greater than US and European banking imbalances that precipitated the Global Financial Crisis in 2008. Chronically troubled, the top four Chinese banks have been under pressure for years now and have significantly been diverging to the downside relative to the Chinese stock market at large, similar to US banks in 2007. We believe that China, formerly the growth engine of the global economy responsible for 60% of global GDP from 2009 to 2019, has finally reached credit exhaustion.

All fiat currencies are in a race to the bottom versus gold today. The macro environment is one of global synchronized monetary debasement.

Crescat’s Hedge Funds Top Bloomberg’s Performance Table for July

We are pleased to announce that Crescat’s hedge funds made the top of Bloomberg’s US hedge fund performance table for the second month in a row in July and the third month this year. The table below is from the Bloomberg Weekly Hedge Fund Brief, August 25, 2020, Melissa Karsh, Editor.

The first month that we stood out in the Bloomberg table this year was in March, a month in which the “sell stocks” side of our “buy gold and sell stocks” trade kicked in heavily. We continue to maintain a equity-hedged position in both our global macro and long short funds today: long precious metals mining stocks and pharmaceutical stocks combined with broad shorts of over-valued stocks across many industries and predominantly in the US. We have a substantial gross short-equity position in both of these funds still today to benefit from the re-ignition of the equity bear market that we foresee. It is important to note, that while we are still significantly gross short in both of these funds, but we are no longer “net short” like we were earlier this year because we deliberately became more aggressive on the long precious metals side of the portfolio in March and have allowed that side to grow.

Below see Crescat’s performance by theme for our flagship global macro fund in both the last quarter and last month.

Global Macro Fund Net Profit Attribution: Q2 2020 and July 2020

Note the strong performance of our global fiat debasement theme.

Crescat Firmwide Performance Since Strategy Inception

August Month-to-Date Performance

The Crescat Global Macro and Long/Short funds are up and estimated 5.6% and 6.7% net respectively in August month to date with short positions holding us back will our activist long precious metals positions continue to perform. Our separately managed account strategies are roughly flat MTD.

Crescat Precious Metals Fund

Our new private precious metals focused activist fund that we launched in August is off to an incredibly strong start. The Crescat Precious Metals Fund is up 50%+ net on an estimated basis in its first month to date in August! We are encouraged that we were able to accomplish this in a flat-to-slightly-down overall market for gold and silver stocks in August, which endured a significant pullback mid-month. It is myth that there is no big and profitable new gold deposits to be found on this planet. In this new fund, we are helping to capitalize exciting growth companies with potentially large high grade gold and silver deposits in sound jurisdictions.

You can learn about some of these stocks in our Crescat Gets Activist videos on our YouTube page where we have profiled Condor Resources, Eloro Resources, Eskay Mining, White Rock Minerals, New Found Gold, Novo Resources, Cabral Gold, and NuLegacy Gold.

At Crescat, we are carefully building a diversified portfolio of the best mining properties on the planet with the help of Quinton Hennigh, PhD, a world-renowned exploration geologist who is Crescat’s geologic and technical advisor.

Gold and silver mining stocks have essentially been through a ten-year bear market since peaking in 2011. We believe that the bear market ended with the lows in March of this year, especially for smaller cap, exploration-focused mining companies. These stocks at large successfully held above their early 2016 lows in a double-bottom retest and still represent exceptional value today.

The new precious metals bull is now firmly off and running. Our analysis shows that it is still very early in the cycle as we have laid out herein. Future Fed and global central bank money printing should continue to take the world by storm to prod this bull now more than ever. We encourage you to get positioned now. Just like at the end of last month, we have a handful of new deals already on deck for funding and more coming our way soon. We would appreciate your commitment of capital now to help us seize these outstanding opportunities.We believe that the early investors in this space are the ones who will reap the big rewards. 

what will stop the GOLD bull market? Louis Vincent Gave

via Evergreen gavekal blog

The sustained outperformance of very large-cap tech stocks means that any manager who substantially underweighted the sector has likely lost clients. The exception may be those who favored gold and gold miners, which have experienced a “stealth” bull market (see chart below). I say stealth because the precious metals rally has garnered limited headlines, scant investor interest and fewer reflections on either its causes, or consequences.

The reason that investors focus on tech—and don’t care about gold—is largely down to size, as the “Fab Five” tech stocks make up some 20% of the S&P 500. As a result, tech exposure has dictated relative performance in recent years, and this situation is almost certain to continue; performance will still revolve around the decision of whether, or not, to overweight tech. So given this backdrop, who cares about gold? After all, in spite of a near doubling over the past two years, the total market value of the precious metal mining sector is only about US$550bn—roughly what Amazon has added to its market value this year, or less than a month’s asset purchases by the Federal Reserve.

For now, the market for gold and gold mining stocks tick a number of boxes:

  • Both are showing strong momentum.
  • Unlike tech, both markets are small enough to keep running without hitting the big numbers problem (see Have Equities Become A Bubble?).
  • Neither has become a crowded trade.
  • There has been no rush of secondary placements and IPOs usually seen in gold miner bull markets (as repeated capital destroyers, gold miners normally jump at the chance to push paper down the market’s throat!).
  • Both assets remain a clear diversification choice for investors worried about runaway budget deficits and an unprecedented expansion of monetary aggregates globally, but especially in the US.

In short, precious metals are in a bull market. A concern may be that the gold price is about 12%, or one standard deviation, above its 200-day moving average (see right-hand chart below). But one has to question what will stop this run up. Historically, precious metals tend to “trend”, with both bull and bear markets lasting three years, or more. Indeed, looking back through gold bull markets in the post Bretton Woods era, one finds the following:

  • 1976-80: As inflation rose bonds and equities de-rated, while gold rallied. This changed when US short rates were jacked up to break inflation’s back.
  • 1985-88: The Plaza Accord saw major economies agree to a US dollar debasement. Gold and gold miners thrived in this era, only ending when Germany pulled out of the deal and US real rates started to rise.
  • 2001-11: President George W. Bush’s “guns and butter” policies spurred a weak US dollar. The concurrent rise of emerging markets meant that a new buyer showed up in the gold markets. This ended when the dollar began to strengthen.
  • 2018-?: Deglobalization, high US budget deficits, and surging monetary aggregates seem to have created a new gold bull market. Any breakdown in the US dollar from here will likely push gold higher. Looking at recent history, when gold bull markets get going they usually feed on their own momentum for quite a while and only end when facing (i) higher nominal interest rates, (ii) a stronger US dollar and (iii) a rise in real rates. Hence, consider these threats to the unfolding gold bull market.

Momentum: Gold bull markets may build up over multi-year periods as the metal speaks to the public’s imagination. For millennia, gold has been valued for its beauty, which may explain why it becomes more attractive as its price rises. The new thing—certainly in 2001-11—was most new wealth being created in emerging markets, where investors have a strong cultural affinity for gold. In contrast, the past decade saw most of the world’s wealth created around technology campuses on the US west coast by people with scant interest in the “barbarous relic”. This is interesting, as gold has ripped higher in the past two years in spite of a market consensus that global wealth creation in the coming years will match that of the last decade. In short, gold is showing strong momentum despite emerging markets having broadly been dogs with fleas for a decade. Imagine if the dollar is now done rising and EMs, led by Asia, again thrive. What a tailwind that would be for gold.

Higher nominal rates: It is easier to find an alluring candidate in the US presidential race than an OECD central banker even thinking of raising interest rates in his or her lifetime. Higher nominal interest rates are simply not a threat to the unfolding gold bull market.

Stronger US dollar: The main case for a stronger US dollar is that foreigners spent decades borrowing in the currency and a turnaround in the US’s current account deficit (thanks to its energy boom) will make it hard for foreigners to get dollars and service their debts. Cue a “US dollar short-squeeze” which would see the dollar exchange rate sky-rocket. There are many problems with this theory starting with the fact that—instead of improving—the US current account deficit is actually worsening (US consumers are shoveling ever more dollars offshore). Secondly, rather than rising, the cost of borrowing dollars continues to fall. Thirdly, since the Fed has swap lines with some 15 other key central banks, how can a dollar shortage develop? Moreover, how can dollars be scarce when US M2 is growing at about six times nominal US GDP growth, or 24.5% per annum—an absolute and relative record. Instead, the more interesting question is whether, over the next decade, foreigners find themselves using US dollars more to settle their foreign trade, or less. If less, then that should be structurally bearish for the dollar.

Surging gold supply: A key mantra of commodity investing is that the solution to high commodity prices is high commodity prices, just as the reverse holds true. Yet increases in commodity output, spurred by rising prices, is always lagged (why commodity prices usually trend for five to 10 years). A key question is thus whether the recent gold price rise is enough to trigger big production gains in the coming quarters. The answer is “no”. Rather than pour capital down new holes, gold miners have spent the past year consolidating with record takeover activity seen.

A rise in real rates: The above leaves a rise in real rates as the most credible threat to the unfolding gold bull market. Yet if nominal rates are not going to rise, the only way the US and other OECD countries can experience surging real rates is through an already low inflation rate collapsing more. But how? Energy prices seem to be done falling and labor costs are being supported by government diktat and purchasing power protection schemes. A possible source of future global deflation could be a collapse in real estate prices or alternatively a huge fall in the renminbi. So far, there are few signs of such shocks unfolding and it seems clear that policymakers in both the West and China are intent on stopping such developments. So with this in mind, it seems likely that a surge in real rates is not an immediate threat.

Putting it all together, the odds thus have to be that the stealth gold bull market will continue.

It’s About Jobs, Jobs, Jobs – Doug Noland

The Wall Street Journal referred to a “a milestone” – “a major shift in how [the Fed] sets interest rates by dropping its longstanding practice of preemptively lifting them to head off higher inflation.” The New York Times went with “a major shift in how the central bank guides the economy, signaling it will make job growth pre-eminent and will not raise interest rates to guard against coming inflation just because the unemployment rate is low.” 
The Financial Times underscored a note from Evercore ISI economists: ‘They view the shift as ‘momentous and risk-friendly’, saying it ‘takes the world’s most important central bank beyond the inflation targeting framework that has dominated global monetary policy for a quarter of a century’.” “A revolutionary change to its monetary policy framework” that “could have profound consequences for the price of pretty much everything,” was how it was viewed by the Financial Review.

August 28 – Australian Financial Review (Christopher Joye): “On Thursday night the world’s most powerful central bank – the US Federal Reserve – ushered in a revolutionary change to its monetary policy framework because it believes it has consistently missed its core consumer price inflation target. This new regime, which will allow the Fed to keep borrowing rates lower for longer, and tolerate periods of what would have been unacceptably high inflation, could have profound consequences for the price of pretty much everything. It also reveals the central bankers’ essential conceit: that they don’t want markets to clear, or asset prices to gravitate to their natural levels, in the absence of extreme policymaking interference.”

For the most part, equities took Powell’s Jackson Hole speech in stride. Stocks rose – but they pretty much rise whenever markets are trading. Understandably, bonds were a little edgy. Ten-year Treasury yields rose six bps on the announcement to 0.75%, a 10-week high. Investment-grade corporate debt was under notable pressure. The iShares Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF declined 0.8%, trading to the low since July 1st (down 1.1% for the week).

There is certainly an element of “the emperor has no clothes” in all this. We know from experiences in Japan, the U.S. and elsewhere that central banks don’t control the inflation rate. The shift to an “inflation targeting” regime was ill-conceived from the start. Rather than admit to mistakes, the global central bank community will continue frantically digging ever deeper holes.

Can we at least admit that inflation dynamics have evolved momentously over recent decades? Could we accept that technology innovation has led to a proliferation of new types of products and related services – profoundly boosting supplies of high-tech, digitized and myriad online products? There has also been the seismic shift to services-based output, altering inflation dynamics throughout economies. Moreover, “globalization” – especially the capacity to manufacture endless low-cost technology components and products globally – has fundamentally changed the inflation axiom “too much money chasing too few goods.”

The above noted factors have placed downward pressure on many prices, altering traditional inflation dynamics and rendering conventional analysis invalid. This contemporary “supply” dynamic has worked to offset significant inflationary pressures in other price levels (i.e. healthcare, education, insurance, housing, and many things not easily produced in larger quantities) – putting some downward pressure on consumer price aggregates (i.e. CPI).

Moving beyond the obvious, can we contemplate that ultra-loose monetary policies work to exacerbate many of the dynamics placing downward pressure on consumer price aggregates? Clearly, the historic global technology arms race is a prime beneficiary – but cheap money-induced over-investment impacts many industries (i.e. shale, alternative energy, autonomous vehicles, etc.). I would further argue monetary-policy induced asset price Bubbles are a powerful wealth redistribution mechanism with far-reaching inflationary ramifications (CPI vs. price inflation for yachts, collectable art and such).

Let’s be reminded that central bank monetary management traditionally operated though the banking system, where subtle changes in overnight funding rates influenced lending along with Credit conditions more generally. Central bankers these days continue to expand this momentous policy experiment in using the financial markets as the primary mechanism for administering policy stimulus.

Why is it reasonable to believe that monetary policy specifically aiming to inflate securities markets will somehow simultaneously ensure a corresponding modest increase in consumer prices? It’s not. As we’ve witnessed for years now – and rather dramatically over recent months – such a policy course foremost fuels asset market speculative excess and price Bubbles.

There’s a strong case to be made that this dynamic pulls finance into the securities markets at the expense of more balanced investment spending throughout the general economy. Moreover, increasingly aggressive policy support (i.e. zero rates, QE and other emergency operations) over time exacerbates speculative excess and associated market distortions. As I posited last September when the Fed employed “insurance” rate cuts and QE with markets at all-time highs, it was throwing gas on a fire.

For now, damage wrought to Fed credibility is masked by record equities and bond prices. In the wanting eyes of the marketplace, the “inflation targeting” regime is mere pretense. Bernanke didn’t punt on the Fed’s “exit strategy” due to consumer prices. Below target CPI was not behind Yellen’s postponing policy normalization in the face of strengthening booms in both the markets and real economy. And Powell didn’t abruptly reverse course in December 2018 because of lagging consumer price pressure, just as CPI had nothing to do with last fall’s “insurance” stimulus measures.

Any lingering doubt the Federal Reserve has adopted a regime specifically targeting the securities markets was quashed with the $3 TN liquidity response to March’s downside market dislocation.

It’s tempting to write, “when future historians look back…” My ongoing commitment to weekly contemporaneous analysis of this is extraordinary period is fueled by the proclivity for historical revisionism (and the associated failure to learn from mistakes). Just this week a Financial Times article stated the Fed’s last September stimulus measures were in response to trade war worries – neglecting to mention the decisive role played by late-cycle “repo” market instability.

That said, I do believe skilled analysts will look back and point to the destabilizing impact of prolonged ultra-loose monetary policies stoking speculative finance, distorted asset price Bubbles, and general Monetary Disorder. The fixation on consumer price indices slightly below target in the face of such historic Bubbles will be a challenge to justify.

I have argued now for a long time that Bubbles and associated maladjustment are the prevailing risks – not deflation (as argued by conventional economists). And the greater Bubbles inflate the greater the risk of collapse unleashing deflationary outcomes.

The Fed has been undertaking a policy review for the past year, with the outcome seemingly preordained. But to announce preference for higher prices and tolerance for persistent above-target inflation in the current backdrop is not without risk. At $7.0 TN, the Fed’s balance sheet has ballooned sevenfold in twelve years. A traditionally conservative central banker would never take a cavalier approach with inflation after an almost $3.0 TN six-month increase in M2 “money” supply.

I’m sticking with the view that we’re in the end game to these multi-decade experiments in finance and monetary management. I understand how $3.0 TN in Fed purchases buys some bond market tolerance. But multi-Trillion federal deficits will not be a one-year phenomenon. The Federal Reserve has accommodated a massive expansion of Treasury securities at ridiculously low yields. Does the Fed really believe it could then accommodate rising inflation without a market backlash? Do they appreciate how an unexpected inflationary surge would wreak absolute havoc in highly leveraged markets and economies?

The Treasury yield curve steepened markedly this week. With 30-year Treasury yields jumping 18 bps to an 11-week high 1.50%, the spread to 3-month T-bill yields rose to 141 bps (wide since June 9th). Ten-year Treasury yields rose nine bps this week to 0.72%, with benchmark MBS yields gaining nine bps to 1.44% (6-wk high).

The dollar index declined 0.9%, nearing the low since May 2018. The Bloomberg Commodities Index jumped 2.3% to the highest level since March. Gold increased 1.3%, and Silver jumped 3.4%. Yet gains were notably broad-based. Copper rose 2.9%, Nickel 4.6%, Aluminum 2.0%, Coffee 5.8%, Corn 5.5%, and Wheat 2.6%. WTI Crude gained 1.5%, trading this week at the high since March.

Equities continue to go nuts. The S&P500 gained 3.3% to an all-time high, increasing y-t-d gains to 8.6%. The Nasdaq100 jumped 3.8% to a new record, boosting 2020 gains to 37.4%. It was another brutal short squeeze week, with popularly shorted stocks again outperforming. The Bloomberg Americas Airlines Index surged 14%, and the J.P. Morgan U.S. Travel Index jumped 8.8%. The NYSE Financial Index rose 4.3%, and the NYSE Arca Computer Technology Index advanced 4.2%. Tesla surged another 8%, pushing its market capitalization to $412 billion.

Ludwig von Mises’ “Crack-up Boom.” The Fed’s new “regime” is major, profound, momentous and more. It’s not the least bit surprising – yet it is nonetheless almost unimaginable to actually witness. The Powell Fed has given up – thrown in the towel. They’ve spent a year essentially crafting rationalization and justification in anticipation of doing little more than executing “money printing” operations for years to come. I have argued they’re trapped – and they have apparently come to the same conclusion. Acute fragility associated with speculative Bubbles and egregious leverage now prohibit any effort to unwind recent extraordinary stimulus, not to mention raising rates or tightening monetary conditions in the foreseeable future.

It’s as sad as it is frightening. Despite the lip service, they’ve deserted the overarching financial stability mandate. Speculative Bubbles are free to run wilder. Leverage – speculative, corporate, federal and otherwise – Completely Unhinged.

Listening to Chairman Powell’s speech, my thoughts returned to Secretary of State James Baker approaching the podium to announce the beginning of the first Iraq war: “The war is about jobs, jobs, jobs.” How would the Bush Administration justify an expensive war in the distant Middle East (removing Saddam Hussein from Kuwait) to the American people? I viewed our government in different light from that moment on.

Chairman Powell: “This change reflects our appreciation for the benefits of a strong labor market, particularly for many in low- and moderate-income communities… The robust job market was delivering life-changing gains for many individuals, families, and communities, particularly at the lower end of the income spectrum.”

August 28 – Bloomberg (Devon Pendleton): “It’s been one of the most lucrative weeks in history for some of the world’s wealthiest people. The net worth of Inc. founder Jeff Bezos topped the once-unfathomable amount of $200 billion. …Elon Musk added the title of centibillionaire when his fortune soared past $100 billion fueled by Tesla Inc.’s ceaseless rally. And by Friday, the world’s 500 wealthiest people were $209 billion richer than a week ago. Musk’s surging wealth expanded the rarefied club of centibillionaires to four members. Facebook Inc. co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, the world’s third-richest person, joined Bezos and Bill Gates among the ranks of those possessing 12-figure fortunes earlier this month. Together, their wealth totals $540 billion…”

The Fed has capitulated on its financial stability mandate as well as the increasingly grave issue of rapidly widening inequality. The Federal Reserve’s culpability for deleterious wealth inequalities and attendant social strife has been exposed. Trapped by financial Bubbles, the Fed will pay only lip service. Actually, it’s worse: Going forward, the Fed will justify precariously loose monetary policies by pointing to its determination to assist the unfortunate.

The entire Federal Reserve system should carefully ponder Powell’s comments following his Jackson Hole speech: “Public faith in large institutions around the world is under pressure. Institutions like the Fed have to aggressively seek transparency and accountability to preserve our democratic legitimacy.”

Bloomberg’s Lisa Abramowicz: “We are getting inflation in certain areas… Certainly asset prices have gotten incredibly inflated and continue to do so on the promise that the Fed will keep rates low. How concerning is this? At what point does this have to make the Fed take stock and raise rates?”

Former New York Fed President Bill Dudley: “I think they are a little bit uncomfortable with the fact that asset prices are so buoyant. But remember that is partly by design. The Fed basically did what they did in March, April, May to try to make monetary policy easy and financial conditions accommodative. And they succeeded. Now as the stock market keeps going up and up and up, that will cause some anxiety about the Fed. But remember, stock markets go up – stock markets go down. The consequences for financial stability have historically actually been pretty modest. We had the stock market crash in 1987. Lots of economists anticipated there’d be a recession. There was no recession. So, I think buoyancy in the stock market is probably less risky to the economy because there’s not a lot of people that use a lot of leverage to own stocks.”

Earth to Dudley: We’re today confronting a deviant financial structure unrecognizable to that from 1987. Have you already forgotten March’s near global financial meltdown? Why did a panicked Fed expand its balance sheet by an unprecedented $3 TN? Why has it capitulated and basically signaled to highly speculative markets that they are committed to looking the other way and just letting things run their course?

I could, once again, invoke the timeworn punch bowl analogy (spiked and overflowing endlessly). It no longer does justice. I was thinking instead of late on Halloween evening when it’s easiest to just fill the big bowl with candies and leave distribution to the trick or treaters. Yet most kids act responsibility, snagging one treat (OK, maybe a couple) and leaving the rest for their fellow treaters. But the thought came to mind of offering a huge bowl filled to the brim with five-dollar bills, with the instruction “Only One Per Family.” It’s a superior metaphor for the Fed’s chosen course – but with the inviting note: “Help Yourself. First Come, First Serve – We’ll Fill the Bowl Whenever It’s Empty.”  

For the Week:

The S&P500 jumped 3.3% (up 8.6% y-t-d), and the Dow rose 2.6% (up 0.4%). The Utilities declined 0.6% (down 7.8%). The Banks surged 5.6% (down 30.9%), and the Broker/Dealers gained 2.7% (up 2.3%). The Transports jumped 3.5% (up 3.9%). The S&P 400 Midcaps rose 1.9% (down 5.6%), and the small cap Russell 2000 gained 1.7% (down 5.4%). The Nasdaq100 advanced 3.8% (up 37.4%). The Semiconductors rose 3.0% (up 22.4%). The Biotechs slipped 0.4% (up 22.4%). With bullion rallying $24, the HUI gold index jumped 3.5% (up 44.1%).

Three-month Treasury bill rates ended the week at 0.095%. Two-year government yields declined two bps to 0.13% (down 144bps y-t-d). Five-year T-note yields added a basis point to 0.27% (down 142bps). Ten-year Treasury yields rose nine bps to 0.72% (down 119bps). Long bond yields surged 18 bps to 1.50% (down 89bps). Benchmark Fannie Mae MBS yields gained nine bps to 1.44% (down 128bps).

Greek 10-year yields increased a basis point to 1.09% (down 34bps y-t-d). Ten-year Portuguese yields rose seven bps to 0.40% (down 4bps). Italian 10-year yields jumped 10 bps to 1.04% (down 37bps). Spain’s 10-year yields gained eight bps to 0.38% (down 9bps). German bund yields jumped 10 bps to negative 0.41% (down 22bps). French yields gained nine bps to negative 0.11% (down 37bps). The French to German 10-year bond spread narrowed one to 30 bps. U.K. 10-year gilt yields jumped 11 bps to 0.31% (down 51bps). U.K.’s FTSE equities index slipped 0.6% (down 20.9%).

Japan’s Nikkei Equities Index dipped 0.2% (down 3.3% y-t-d). Japanese 10-year “JGB” yields gained three bps to 0.06% (up 7bps y-t-d). France’s CAC40 rose 2.2% (down 16.3%). The German DAX equities index gained 2.1% (down 1.6%). Spain’s IBEX 35 equities index advanced 2.2% (down 25.3%). Italy’s FTSE MIB index increased 0.7% (down 15.7%). EM equities were mixed. Brazil’s Bovespa index gained 0.6% (down 11.7%), while Mexico’s Bolsa declined 0.8% (down 13.2%). South Korea’s Kospi index rose 2.1% (up 7.1%). India’s Sensex equities index jumped 2.7% (down 4.3%). China’s Shanghai Exchange added 0.7% (up 11.6%). Turkey’s Borsa Istanbul National 100 index declined 0.8% (down 3.8%). Russia’s MICEX equities index dipped 0.5% (down 2.2%).
Investment-grade bond funds saw inflows of $6.029 billion, and junk bond funds posted positive flows of $1.392 billion (from Lipper).

Freddie Mac 30-year fixed mortgage rates dropped eight bps to 2.91% (down 67bps y-o-y). Fifteen-year rates fell eight bps to 2.46% (down 60bps). Five-year hybrid ARM rates were unchanged at 2.91% (down 40bps). Bankrate’s survey of jumbo mortgage borrowing costs had 30-year fixed rates up six bps to 3.11% (down 109bps).

Federal Reserve Credit last week expanded $10.0bn to $6.975 TN. Over the past year, Fed Credit expanded $3.251 TN, or 87%. Fed Credit inflated $4.164 Trillion, or 148%, over the past 407 weeks. Elsewhere, Fed holdings for foreign owners of Treasury, Agency Debt last week declined $4.1bn to $3.413 TN. “Custody holdings” were down $62.0bn, or 1.8%, y-o-y.

M2 (narrow) “money” supply jumped $46.6bn last week to a record $18.449 TN, with an unprecedented 25-week gain of $2.941 TN. “Narrow money” surged $3.533 TN, or 23.7%, over the past year. For the week, Currency increased $6.3bn. Total Checkable Deposits dropped $80.8bn, while Savings Deposits surged $126bn. Small Time Deposits fell $5.6bn. Retail Money Funds were little changed.

Total money market fund assets declined $4.1bn to $4.540 TN. Total money funds surged $1.176 TN y-o-y, or 35.0%.

Total Commercial Paper rose $4.9bn to $1.012 TN. CP was down $109bn, or 9.7% year-over-year.

Currency Watch:

For the week, the U.S. dollar index declined 0.9% to 92.371 (down 4.3% y-t-d). For the week on the upside, the Brazilian real increased 4.3%, the South African rand 3.4%, the New Zealand dollar 3.1%, the Australian dollar 2.9%, the British pound 2.0%, the Swedish krona 2.0%, the Norwegian krone 1.9%, the Singapore dollar 1.0%, the Mexican peso 1.0%, the euro 0.9%, the Swiss franc 0.8%, the Canadian dollar 0.6%, the Japanese yen 0.4% and the South Korean won 0.2%.

Commodities Watch:

The Bloomberg Commodities Index jumped 2.3% (down 9.6% y-t-d). Spot Gold rose 1.3% to $1,965 (up 29.4%). Silver surged 3.4% to $27.79 (up 55.1%). WTI crude gained 63 cents to $42.97 (down 30%). Gasoline rose 2.4% (down 22%), and Natural Gas surged 8.5% (up 21%). Copper jumped 2.9% (up 8%). Wheat rose 2.6% (down 2%). Corn surged 5.5% (down 7%).

Coronavirus Watch:

August 28 – Bloomberg (Riley Griffin and Jeannie Baumann): “A U.S. health official said Friday that hundreds of thousands of doses of coronavirus vaccines have already been manufactured in hopes that at least one of the candidates might succeed in clinical trials. The Trump administration’s ‘Operation Warp Speed’ program has reached agreements for eight coronavirus vaccine candidates that are in various stages of development, none of which have yet been approved or authorized for use.”

Market Instability Watch:

August 28 – Bloomberg (Katherine Greifeld and Liz McCormick): “Traders across major asset classes are sending the same message: Prepare for what could be the most-contentious U.S. presidential elections in decades. One measure of hedging in the stock market is higher than at any point in the past three presidential elections. In the interest-rates market, implied volatility is well above levels reached in 2016 or 2012. And three-month implied volatility in the dollar-yen pair — a classic haven trade — has risen above the two-month tenor by the most in two decades, signaling demand for protection from turbulence near Election Day. Trades protecting against election-induced volatility have been around all year, with ‘unprecedented’ levels of hedging seen as early as January.”

August 27 – Reuters (Tom Arnold and Karin Strohecker): “Reserves are running out for several emerging markets as governments from Belize to Zambia use up their financial firepower to fight the coronavirus crisis. The problem is particularly acute for those burning through reserves to tackle additional challenges, from sliding economies to a shortfall in commodity or oil revenues. Among the larger emerging markets, Turkey stands out, having seen its gross foreign exchange reserves nearly halve this year as it sought to defend its currency. But it is the smaller and riskier developing economies – so-called frontier markets – that are feeling the heat most…”

August 23 – Bloomberg (Marcus Wong and Livia Yap): “If the recent spike up in U.S. inflation numbers is a sign of things to come for global markets, that could prove especially bad news for investors in Indian, Russian and Mexican bonds. The fixed-income securities of the three countries appear the most vulnerable to any surge in consumer prices, according to a Bloomberg study of 10 emerging markets. Their real bond yields — those adjusted for inflation — are the lowest in the group versus their three-year average.”

August 27 – Bloomberg: “As a wave of global liquidity pushes assets ever higher, in China the opposite is occurring. Borrowing costs in the world’s second-largest economy are spiking, driving down bonds and stocks, as the central bank holds back on aggressive easing. While the People’s Bank of China has stepped up actions to mitigate the liquidity shortage, injecting the most funds this month since January, that’s done little to alleviate the relative drought. A gauge of interbank borrowing costs is close to a six-month high and an indicator of liquidity tightness in the foreign-exchange market has touched its highest level since 2017. The yield on 10-year government debt is above 3%, approaching a record gap with Treasuries…”

August 24 – Bloomberg (Joanna Ossinger): “Investors can no longer rely on bonds to help mitigate equity risk because the relationship between assets has broken down, according to Credit Suisse… The 21-day correlation between the S&P 500 Index and 10-year Treasury yield turned negative on Aug. 21, after having been at nearly 0.80 in mid-July. ‘The breakdown in that correlation, alongside record low rate volatility, suggests bonds are no longer an effective diversifier of equity risk,’ Mandy Xu, derivatives strategist, wrote… ‘We recommend investors look at equity-specific hedges instead, especially with the normalization in equity volatility.’”

August 23 – Wall Street Journal (Paul Vigna): “The price/earnings ratio on the S&P 500, measured against the past 12 months of earnings, stands at 25.26, according to FactSet. That is the highest level since 2002. The forward P/E, measured against earnings expectations for the next year, is at 25.98—a mark last hit in September 2000. And the valuation of the median stock in the S&P 500, measured by forward P/E, is now in the 100th percentile of historical levels, according to Goldman Sachs…, going back four decades—the highest level possible. The index itself is trading at the 98th percentile.”

August 24 – Bloomberg (Alan Mirabella): “The Federal Reserve has created a speculative bubble that has pushed debt levels beyond what the U.S. economy can support, Leon Cooperman said. ‘They have created a real speculative environment,’ Cooperman said… ‘I am uncomfortable at the present time, not because of the virus, because I’m focused on something the market isn’t focused on. And that is the amount of debt that’s being created. Who pays for the party when the party is over?’ It took the U.S. ‘244 years to go from zero national debt to $21 trillion,’ he said. ‘We will probably end this year with $27 trillion. That’s a growth rate in debt far in excess of what the economy is growing at and I think that’s going to be a problem down the road.’”

Global Bubble Watch:

August 25 – Bloomberg (Zoe Schneeweiss): “Global trade surged in June as governments started to reopen their economies from strict lockdowns earlier in the year. There was growth in almost all countries, according to CPB World Trade Monitor, after huge declines in the previous three months. Even after the 7.6% jump in June, trade was down 12.5% in the second quarter, with the headline index at the lowest since 2014.”

August 26 – Bloomberg (Björn van Roye): “Economic activity fell faster and deeper in emerging markets than in advanced economies as the Covid-19 shock hit, and the recovery is proving slower and shallower. Activity in emerging markets excluding China remained 33% below the pre-virus level at the end of August, according to Bloomberg Economics gauges that integrate high-frequency data such as credit-card use, travel and location information. China, Russia, Turkey and Brazil have made the most progress, while the rate of recovery in major Latin American countries — particularly in Argentina and Colombia — has been much slower and has recently declined further.”

August 24 – Reuters (Scott Murdoch and Patturaja Murugaboopathy): “Companies raised the most funds in global equity and debt markets for the month of August in a decade as homebound bankers spend their summer fixing deals off the back of trillions of dollars of stimulus worldwide to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Companies have raised $65.5 billion through initial public offerings (IPOs) and high-yield bond issuances globally so far in August, the highest for that month in at least 10 years, according to Refinitiv… They raised $98.6 billion in July and $126.5 billion in June, which was the highest in 20 years. It comes as governments and central banks have made at least $15 trillion of stimulus available to help economies withstand the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.”

August 23 – Reuters (Marc Jones): “The coronavirus crisis will see the world’s biggest firms slash dividend payouts between 17%-23% this year or what could be as much as $400 billion, a new report has shown, although sectors such as tech are fighting the trend. Global dividend payments plunged $108 billion to $382 billion in the second quarter of the year, fund manager Janus Henderson has calculated, equating to a 22% year-on-year drop which will be the worst since at least 2009.”

Trump Administration Watch:

August 26 – Reuters (Susan Heavey, Idrees Ali, Daphne Psaledakis, Raphael Satter and David Brunnstrom): “The United States… blacklisted 24 Chinese companies and targeted individuals it said were part of construction and military actions in the South China Sea, its first such sanctions move against Beijing over the disputed strategic waterway. The U.S. Commerce Department said the two dozen companies played a ‘role in helping the Chinese military construct and militarize the internationally condemned artificial islands in the South China Sea.’ Separately, the State Department said it would impose visa restrictions on Chinese individuals ‘responsible for, or complicit in,’ such action and those linked to China’s ‘use of coercion against Southeast Asian claimants to inhibit their access to offshore resources.’”

August 26 – Wall Street Journal (Kate O’Keeffe and Chun Han Wong): “The U.S. unveiled a set of visa and export restrictions targeting Chinese state-owned companies and their executives involved in advancing Beijing’s territorial claims in the contested South China Sea, a new challenge to China involving the strategic waters. Wednesday’s actions by the State and Commerce departments apply to a range of state-owned enterprises, including units of China Communications Construction Co., a leading contractor for Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road initiative to develop infrastructure and trade links across Asia, Africa and beyond. The U.S. added 24 Chinese companies active in the South China Sea… to a Commerce Department list that restricts American companies from supplying U.S.-origin technology to them without a license.”

August 26 – Reuters (Richard Cowan and Bhargav Acharya): “Republicans in the U.S. Congress are working on a narrow coronavirus stimulus bill that could be circulated to rank-and-file lawmakers as soon as this week… For weeks now, Republicans and Democrats have been deadlocked over the size and shape of a fifth coronavirus-response bill, on top of the approximately $3 trillion already enacted into law.”

August 24 – Bloomberg (James Clark): “As the U.S. Treasury Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Finance during the Obama administration, I spent a lot of time talking to the major buyers of our nation’s debt. When I left my job overseeing the government’s finances in 2017, the unpaid tab for the first 240 years of the ‘American Experiment’ was $20 trillion. In less than four years, that number has risen to $26.5 trillion, the result of essential outlays on pandemic relief and completely non-essential tax cuts for the wealthy.”

Federal Reserve Watch:

August 26 – Bloomberg (Steve Matthews): “Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Esther George, who has been among the most hawkish Fed policy makers, doesn’t oppose some overshooting of the central bank’s 2% inflation target and sees more risk of price pressures being too weak than too strong. ‘I have never thought of 2% as a ceiling but to really stay focused on what anchors inflation expectations in the economy,’ George said… ‘From a communications standpoint, I think we will be talking about the kinds of things that help us do a better job of achieving our objectives.’”

August 26 – Wall Street Journal (Greg Ip): “In a much-anticipated speech this week, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is expected to lay out a new framework for meeting its often-elusive goal of 2% inflation. When he’s done, he should keep his jacket on, because a proliferation of other missions await. Full employment and low inflation are no longer enough. In recent years the Fed has been asked to prevent financial crises, shrink the trade deficit, tackle climate change and, now, eliminate racial economic disparities. Mission creep poses real risks. The Fed is being asked to meet goals for which its tools are poorly suited and often in conflict.”

August 26 – Bloomberg (Rich Miller): “The Federal Reserve looks likely to keep short-term interest rates near zero for five years or possibly more after it adopts a new strategy for carrying out monetary policy. The new approach… is likely to result in policy makers taking a more relaxed view toward inflation, even to the point of welcoming a modest, temporary rise above their 2% target to make up for past shortfalls… ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if interest rates are still zero five years from now,’ said Jason Furman, a former chief White House economist and now Harvard University professor.”

U.S. Bubble Watch:

August 25 – Associated Press (Martin Crutsinger): “U.S. consumer confidence fell for the second consecutive month, sinking to the lowest levels in more than six years as a resurgence of COVID-19 infections in many parts of the country heightened pessimism. The Conference Board… reported… its Consumer Confidence Index declined to a reading of 84.8 in August, the lowest level since May 2014. The drop, which followed a July decline to 91.7, put the index 36% below its high point for the year reached in February… ‘Consumer confidence has now taken two steps back after one giant step forward in June,’ said Jim Baird, chief investment officer at Plante Moran Financial Adisors. ‘Initial hopes for a faster return to a pre-pandemic normal have faded.’”

August 27 – CNBC (Fred Imbert): “The number of Americans who filed for unemployment benefits for the first time came in above 1 million for the 22nd time in 23 weeks as the economy struggles to recover from the coronavirus pandemic… Initial U.S. jobless claims totaled just over 1 million for the week ending Aug. 22, down from 1.104 million in the previous week… Continuing claims… fell by 223,000 to 14.535 million for the week ending Aug. 15.”

August 25 – Bloomberg (Prashant Gopal): “New-home sales in the U.S. jumped to the highest level in almost 14 years in July as low mortgage rates helped fuel a suburban construction boom. Purchases of new single-family houses climbed 13.9% from June to a 901,000 annualized pace from an upwardly revised 791,000… The median forecast… called for a 790,000 rate of sales. The median selling price rose 7.2% from a year earlier to $330,600… ‘It has been a rocket ship up since May,’ said Rick Palacios, director of research at John Burns Real Estate Consulting… ‘Demand is insatiable right now.’”

August 25 – CNBC (Diana Olick): “Home prices rose 4.3% annually in June, unchanged from the gain seen in May, according to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index… The 10-City Composite increased 2.8% annually, down from 3% in the previous month. The 20-City Composite rose 3.5% year over year, down from 3.6% in the previous month.”

August 25 – CNBC (Kevin Stankiewicz): “Global investor Barry Sternlicht told CNBC… he believes masses of people are moving away from major U.S. cities in favor of the suburbs. ‘There’s hundreds of thousands of people looking for suburban homes, and I would say it’s not as driven by the Covid situation as it is safety and law and order, and that is now pervasive across the big cities of the United States, sadly,’ Sternlicht said…”

August 24 – Bloomberg (Ben Holland, Enda Curran, Vivien Lou Chen and Kyoungwha Kim): “There’s hardly any question that carries greater weight in economics right now, or divides the financial world more sharply, than whether inflation is on the way back. One camp is convinced that the no-expense-spared fight against Covid-19 has put developed economies on course for rising prices on a scale they haven’t seen in decades. The other one says the virus is exacerbating the conditions of the past dozen years or so — when deflation, rather than overheating, has been the big threat. The debate touches every area of policy, from trade rivalries to unemployment benefits, and everyone has an interest in the outcome. Governments and central banks may face pressure to curtail their pandemic relief efforts, already worth some $20 trillion according to Bank of America, if they trigger a spike in prices. Workers and consumers will see the impact in wage packets and household bills. More than $40 trillion of retirement savings is at risk of erosion if inflation returns.”

August 22 – Financial Times (Chris Flood): “Coronavirus, disappointing investment returns and declining interest rates, pose a triple threat to the health of the US public pension system, which is haemorrhaging cash and heading for a record funding shortfall. The total funding gap for the 143 largest US public pensions plans is on track to reach $1.62tn this year, significantly higher than the $1.16tn recorded in 2009 in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, according to Equable Institute… The weak financial condition of the US public pension systems poses severe risks for the living standards of millions of employees and retired workers.”

August 25 – Reuters (Pete Schroeder): “U.S. bank profits were down 70% from a year prior in the second quarter of 2020 on continued economic uncertainty driven by the coronavirus pandemic… Bank profits remained small as firms build up cushions to guard against future losses and business and consumer activity dropped, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Bank deposits climbed by over $1 trillion for the second straight quarter, and the regulator said the industry has ‘very strong” capital and liquidity levels.’”

August 26 – Reuters (Tom Wilson): “It sounds like a surefire bet. You lend money to a borrower who puts up collateral that exceeds the size of the loan, and then you earn interest of about 20%. What could possibly go wrong? That’s the proposition presented by ‘DeFi’, or decentralised finance, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency platforms that allow lenders and borrowers to transact without the traditional gatekeepers of loans: banks. And it has exploded during the COVID-19 crisis. Loans on such platforms have risen more than seven-fold since March to $3.7 billion…”

August 25 – Associated Press (Don Thompson and Haven Daley): “California’s firefighting agency is in talks with the National Guard and California Conservation Corps about providing reinforcements as an already devastating wildfire season threatens to get even worse… ‘Historically it’s September and October when we experience our largest and our most damaging wildfires. So to be in the middle of August and already have the second- and the third-largest wildfires in our state’s history is very concerning to us,’ Daniel Berlant, chief of wildfire planning and engineering at the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, said…”

August 23 – Wall Street Journal (Jimmy Vielkind and Katie Honan): “New York City faces a $9 billion deficit over the next two years, high levels of unemployment and the prospect of laying off 22,000 government workers if new revenue or savings aren’t found in the coming weeks. The growing economic crisis, brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, has alarmed New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo so much that he recently asserted greater control over a panel overseeing the finances of the nation’s largest city. Earlier this summer, Mr. Cuomo appointed three close allies to the New York State Financial Control Board. The board played a prominent role during the city’s last fiscal crisis in the 1970s, when it wielded broad legal power over the city’s budget and made difficult spending decisions.”

Fixed Income Watch:

August 24 – Bloomberg (John Gittelsohn): “Some of the largest real estate investors are walking away from debt on bad property deals, even as they raise billions of dollars for new opportunities borne of the pandemic. The willingness of Brookfield Property Partners LP, Starwood Capital Group, Colony Capital Inc. and Blackstone Group Inc. to skip payments on commercial mortgage-backed securities backed by hotels and malls illustrates how the economic fallout from the coronavirus has devalued some real estate while also creating new targets for these cash-loaded investors. ‘Just because a prior investment didn’t work out doesn’t necessarily mean that should tarnish the reputation for future endeavors,’ said Alan Todd, head of U.S. CMBS research for Bank of America Securities. ‘It’s not like something was done in bad faith.’”

August 26 – Bloomberg (John Gittelsohn): “U.S. commercial real estate prices are falling as the economic toll of the Covid-19 pandemic worsens — and the decline is just getting started. Indexes for office, retail and lodging properties all slipped year-over-year in July, data from… Real Capital Analytics Inc. show. Transaction volume plummeted to $14 billion across all sectors, down 69% from July 2019. ‘The worst is yet to come,’ Real Capital Senior Vice President Jim Costello said… ‘We’re not seeing the fallout yet of owners selling properties and taking a loss.’”

August 25 – Bloomberg (John Gittelsohn): “More than $54.3 billion in U.S. commercial mortgage backed securities have been transfered to loan workout specialists mostly because of payment delinquencies, a 320% increase since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Moody’s… Hotel and retail properties, the sectors hit hardest by restrictions on travel and public gatherings to reduce virus transmissions, make up the vast majority of the debt transferred to special servicers… The rate of severely delinquent loans — more than 121 days late — nearly tripled in August, jumping to 2.3% from 0.8% in July.”

China Watch:

August 25 – Reuters (Meg Shen, Ben Blanchard and Idrees Ali): “China has lodged ‘stern representations’ with the United States, accusing it of sending a U.S. U-2 reconnaissance plane into a no-fly zone over Chinese live-fire military drills…, further ratcheting up tensions between Beijing and Washington. China has long denounced U.S. surveillance activities, while the United States has complained of ‘unsafe’ intercepts by Chinese aircraft… China’s Defence Ministry said the U-2 flew without permission over a no-fly zone in the northern military region where live fire drills were taking place, ‘seriously interfering in normal exercise activities’.”

August 24 – Reuters (Roxanne Liu and Tony Munroe): “China said… it agreed with the United States to continue pushing forward the implementation of the bilateral Phase 1 trade deal reached earlier this year during a call between the two countries’ top trade negotiators. Vice Premier Liu He spoke with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin… The two sides had constructive talks on the trade deal and strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination, the ministry said.”

August 23 – Bloomberg: “China’s fragile economic recovery is ushering in a dangerous new phase for the nation’s $4.1 trillion corporate bond market. With the economy now strong enough for policy makers to dial back financial support but still too weak to save the most distressed borrowers, some fund managers are bracing for defaults on domestic Chinese debt to hit record highs this year. Delinquencies have already started rising after a remarkably quiet second quarter, and pressure on borrowers is set to grow as 3.65 trillion yuan ($529bn) of notes mature by year-end.”

August 25 – Financial Times (Christian Shepherd): “An intensifying purge of disloyal Chinese Communist party law and order officials is setting the stage for President Xi Jinping to become party chairman and hold on to power beyond his second term, experts have warned. The anti-corruption campaign launched last month to target the party’s legal and domestic security apparatus kicked into a higher gear last week when the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced a probe into Gong Daoan, the Shanghai police chief and the highest-ranking official to fall since Mr Xi’s second term began in 2017. Officials have signalled the importance of the campaign by insisting it must channel the spirit of the ‘Yan’an rectification movement’ launched by Mao Zedong in 1941, the first big purge in the party’s history. “

August 24 – Wall Street Journal (Xie Yu and Mike Bird): “Financial stress at an upmarket developer is rattling Chinese families who paid big deposits for unbuilt homes—showing the risks in presales, one of the sector’s favorite funding tools in China. China’s real-estate firms have grown more reliant on customer down-payments as authorities have curbed access to other kinds of credit. In many cases, clients pay the full price for their home before it is built, handing over a lump sum and borrowing the rest from the bank, and the developer uses the cash as general funding for operations.”

August 24 – Bloomberg (Manuel Baigorri): “Chinese buyers have not only stopped snapping up iconic overseas assets, the coronavirus pandemic is ravaging the targets of deals that defined a headier era. Whereas some prolific acquirers such as HNA Group Co. and Anbang Insurance Group Co. began falling into disarray before the recent crisis, the impact on investments in sectors hit hardest by the outbreak means healthier owners are now feeling the pain. Conglomerate Fosun International Ltd. could soon see its 2015 investment in Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group wiped out… Baggage handler Swissport International AG is also negotiating with investors over a rescue that could see HNA exit the cash-strapped firm it bought in 2015… At $15.1 billion, the volume of Chinese outbound M&A so far this year represents a 25% drop from a year earlier and a far cry from the peak in 2016…”

August 24 – Bloomberg: “China’s mega banks are ramping up their recruitment of fresh graduates as a record number enter the labor market, joining other state-owned firms in boosting employment even as lenders deal with plunging earnings and ballooning bad debt.”

EM Watch:

August 26 – Reuters (Anthony Esposito and Miguel Angel Gutierrez): “Mexico’s economy could contract by almost 13% this year, the central bank warned…, after GDP data showed the pandemic lockdown had thrown the country into the deepest slump since the Great Depression… Gross domestic product fell 17.1% in seasonally adjusted terms in the April-June period from the prior quarter…”

August 27 – Financial Times (Bryan Harris): “Brazil’s government is under increasing pressure to loosen or lift a constitutionally mandated spending cap, alarming investors who fear a sharp deterioration in the country’s fiscal position. Since its creation in 2016, the spending cap has been a fiscal anchor for Latin America’s largest economy. But it is under attack from forces both inside and outside the government, which want to spend in order to boost the economy, or Mr Bolsonaro’s popularity. The debate has spooked the country’s business community, which fears a looming fiscal crisis would trigger an exodus from Brazilian assets, weaken the exchange rate, spur inflation and generate instability.”

August 24 – Financial Times (Michael Stott): “Brazil and Mexico are leading Latin America out of a deep coronavirus-induced slump but chronic economic weaknesses will keep the region as the worst performer in the developing world. Latin America has been the global epicentre of the pandemic since early June, accounting for more than 40% of the world’s new Covid-19 deaths despite having only 8% of the population. The scale of the crisis has dealt a huge blow to already sickly economies. While Brazil and Mexico took a more laissez-faire approach to coronavirus, most of Latin America’s other economies were crippled by strict lockdowns lasting far longer than those in Europe or Asia.”

August 26 – Financial Times (Jonathan Wheatley): “Just like other risky assets around the world, emerging market bond and equity prices have snapped back into shape since the huge crisis-fighting injection of liquidity from the US and eurozone central banks in March. EM economies are likely to be hardest hit by the pandemic, but on aggregate, asset prices are close to the levels they held before the panic selling set in. ‘If you look at the fundamentals of many EMs and then look at the yields, you have to say something doesn’t add up,’ said Claudio Irigoyen, economist and fixed-income strategist at Bank of America… ‘For that to make sense, you have to add in that the [US Federal Reserve] and the European Central Bank are the buyers of last resort of all risky assets and [rely on] the perception that nothing can go wrong.’”

August 26 – Bloomberg (Dana Khraiche): “Lebanon suffered another dramatic inflation surge in July as the country’s financial meltdown continued with no end in sight. Consumer prices rose an annual 112.4%, compared with just under 90% in June… The cost of food and non-alcoholic beverages rose just over 336% compared with last year. Prices of housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels rose only an annual 11.6% because the government has maintained subsidies for petroleum products.”

Europe Watch:

August 24 – Financial Times (Tommy Stubbington): “Banks in the eurozone are so awash with cheap cash from the European Central Bank that they no longer want to borrow from each other, in a striking reversal of the signs of stress in money markets in the spring. Three-month Euribor… has sunk to an all-time low of minus 0.49% in recent days. The plunge in borrowing rates comes after eurozone lenders took more than €1.3tn in cheap loans from the ECB in June… ‘You have a central bank that’s absolutely relentless in providing cheap liquidity,’ said Peter Schaffrik, a strategist at RBC Capital Markets. ‘That drives down lending rates across the board.’”

August 27 – Reuters (Balazs Koranyi): “Euro zone companies continued to tap bank credit in July, although lending growth slowed since the height of the coronavirus crisis… Lending growth to non-financial corporations in the 19-country euro zone expanded by 7.0% in July compared with a year earlier…”

Japan Watch:

August 28 – Bloomberg (Isabel Reynolds and Lily Nonomiy): “Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he would resign to undergo treatment for a chronic illness, ending his run as the country’s longest serving premier in an announcement that surprised some members of his party. Abe confirmed reports that he was dealing with ulcerative colitis, a chronic digestive condition that also forced him to step down as premier in 2007. He said he would stay on until leaders of his Liberal Democratic Party hold an internal vote to pick a successor…”

Leveraged Speculation Watch:

August 25 – Financial Times (Laurence Fletcher and Richard Henderson): “Hedge funds that bet on market volatility have turned out to be some of the biggest losers from the financial turmoil that struck in March. Volatility hedge funds, which buy and sell derivatives to try and profit from the volatility of stocks, bonds and currencies, lost 2.4% this year to July… That compares with an average 0.3% loss among hedge funds more broadly, and a 2.4% return from the S&P 500 index. The stumble shows how painful it can be to assume a long period of calm will continue. Betting against flare-ups in markets, or shorting volatility, as many of these funds had done, can prove costly in a shock.”

Geopolitical Watch:

August 27 – Reuters (Ben Blanchard): “The risk of accidental conflict is rising because of tension in the South China Sea and around Taiwan and communication must be maintained to reduce the risk of miscalculation, Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen said… ‘The risk of conflict requires careful management by all the parties concerned. We expect and hope that Beijing will continue to exercise restraint consistent with their obligations as a major regional power,’ Tsai told a forum…”

August 26 – Reuters (Ben Blanchard and Yew Lun Tian): “Numerous Chinese and U.S. military exercises, Taiwan missiles tracking Chinese fighters and plummeting China-U.S. ties make for a heady cocktail of tension that is raising fears of conflict touched off by a crisis over Taiwan. In the last three weeks, China has announced four separate exercises along its coast, from the Bohai Gulf in the north to the East and Yellow Seas and South China Sea, along with other exercises it said were aimed at ‘the current security situation across the Taiwan Strait’. Meanwhile Taiwan, claimed by China as its ‘sacred’ territory, said its surface-to-air missiles had tracked approaching Chinese fighters – details Taiwan does not normally give – as U.S. Health Secretary Alex Azar was visiting the island this month.”

August 24 – Financial Times (Zhou Bo): “The relationship between China and the US is in freefall. That is dangerous. US defence secretary Mark Esper has said he wants to visit China this year, which shows the Pentagon is worried. That Wei Fenghe, China’s defence minister, spoke at length with Mr Esper in August shows that Beijing is worried too. Both men have agreed to keep communications open and to work to reduce risks as they arise. The crucial question is: how? In July, US secretary of state Mike Pompeo inverted a famous line of Ronald Reagan’s about the Soviet Union and applied it to China: ‘trust but verify’ became ‘distrust but verify’. Washington suspects that an increasingly coercive China wants to drive the US out of the Indo-Pacific. Beijing meanwhile believes that the US, worried about its global primacy, has fully abandoned its supposed neutrality on the South China Sea. Haunted by economic recession and the pandemic, and desperate for re-election, President Donald Trump has also made confronting China his last-straw strategy to beat his opponent, Joe Biden. The risk of a mistake is therefore high.”

August 26 – Bloomberg: “China’s latest volley of missile launches into the world’s most hotly contested body of water served as a warning to two key U.S. targets: aircraft carriers and regional bases. The missiles launched into the South China Sea… included the DF-21D and DF-26B, the South China Morning Post reported, citing a person close to the People’s Liberation Army. Those weapons are central to China’s strategy of deterring any military action off its eastern coast by threatening to destroy the major sources of U.S. power projection in the region.”

August 26 – South China Morning Post (Kristin Huang): “China launched two missiles, including an ‘aircraft-carrier killer’, into the South China Sea on Wednesday morning, a source close to the Chinese military said, sending a clear warning to the United States. The move came one day after China said a US U-2 spy plane entered a no-fly zone without permission during a Chinese live-fire naval drill in the Bohai Sea off its north coast. One of the missiles, a DF-26B, was launched from the northwestern province of Qinghai, while the other, a DF-21D, lifted off from Zhejiang province in the east.”

August 27 – Financial Times (Kathrin Hille, Christian Shepherd and Emma Zhou): “Military tension between Washington and Beijing is surging after China launched missiles capable of hitting US warships and military bases into the disputed South China Sea. The People’s Liberation Army on Wednesday ‘fired four medium-range missiles into [an] area between Hainan and the Paracel Islands,’ said a US military official… Another US military official said the launch included a Dongfeng-21D, an anti-ship missile built to threaten US aircraft carriers, and several Dongfeng-26B medium-range missiles, known as the ‘Guam express’ because they can reach air force and naval bases in the US Pacific territory.”

August 26 – Reuters (Idrees Ali and Phil Stewart): “U.S. troops in Syria were wounded this week when a Russian military patrol slammed into their vehicle, U.S. officials said…, as Washington condemned the incident as a violation of safety protocols agreed with Moscow. Two officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said several U.S. troops suffered concussive symptoms following the incident.”

August 24 – Reuters (Ezgi Erkoyun and Tuvan Gumrukcu): “President Tayyip Erdogan said… Turkey’s navy will not back down as Greece ‘sows chaos’ in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, where the countries have deployed frigates in an escalating rhetorical confrontation over overlapping resource claims. ‘The ones who throw Greece in front of the Turkish navy will not stand behind them,’ Erdogan said…”

August 26 – Financial Times (Laura Pitel): “Turkey will make no concessions in the eastern Mediterranean, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared as France announced that it would join naval exercises in the region amid a mounting stand-off over hydrocarbons. …Mr Erdogan warned that Turkey would do ‘whatever is politically, economically and militarily necessary’ to protect its rights. Turkey ‘will take whatever it is entitled to’ in the Mediterranean and other maritime regions, he said, adding: ‘Just as we do not covet anyone else’s territory, sovereignty or interests, we will never make concessions on what belongs to us.’”

August 27 – Financial Times (Henry Foy and James Shotter): “Russia has created a reserve police force for use in neighbouring Belarus on the request of its embattled strongman leader, President Vladimir Putin said, warning that he would deploy it across the border if protests in the country turn violent. The show of support for President Alexander Lukashenko came with a reiterated warning from Mr Putin that western countries should refrain from attempting to influence the situation in Belarus. It is almost three weeks since mass protests against Mr Lukashenko’s 26-year regime erupted after he was declared the winner of his sixth consecutive presidential election…”

In search of a budget constraint

by Athansios Vamvakidis currency strategist Bank of America

First, Covid-19 infections continue to increase in Europe in recent weeks, reaching a new re-opening peak last week. We have been concerned that reopening will lead to higher infections, in Europe and everywhere else. The trade-offs between going back to normal and containing Covid-19 are clear to us.

Second, the Eurozone August PMIs dropped, confirming our view that the initial rebound was simply from base effects after the lockdown and that the cleaner data from now on will reflect a weaker recovery and output well below pre-crisis levels. US data has also started weakening, with our economists expecting further slowing this fall.

Third, markets were disappointed by the FOMC minutes last week, just because they were not dovish enough. The minutes told us that Fed policies would be outlook-dependent. However, the consensus was looking for a strong, unconditional dovish message. Effectively, markets are pricing both loose monetary policies and a strong recovery, which we have been arguing is not realistic.

US equities were back to an all-time high last week, with equities in the rest of the world also recovering strongly, before these red flags caused a pause in risk assets. In the meantime, there is no fiscal deal yet in the US, with some benefits already expiring. The bottom line we see is that the real economy remains weak and fragile, while macro policy support has its limits, but markets are optimistic on both fronts.

MMT to the rescue

Even if the real economy is weak and the recovery from the pandemic looks nothing like a V or a U, what prevents fiscal and monetary policies to keep supporting risk assets? By any measure, real output is well below pre-crises levels today and forecasts suggest it will remain so well into next year, if not the year after. And yet, global equities have almost fully recovered. In the meantime, deflation and not inflation is the risk today. What prevents more fiscal policy stimulus, funded by more money printing? And wouldn’t central banks keep policy rates low for as long as necessary, to help governments deal with the massive debts they are accumulating? Effectively, this is what markets are pricing in our view.

And why stop there? Is supporting the economy after a shock from a global pandemic more urgent than addressing rising income inequality or climate change, just to mention two of many other possible examples?Aren’t we implementing Modern Monetary Theory already? What’s the budget constraint?

We wouldn’t start from here

Things could have been different if the pandemic had found the global economy with lower debt and higher interest rates. Most countries did not take advantage of the good times in the years before to create enough policy space, just because they thought that these years were not “good enough.” Macro policies since the late 1990s have been loose in good times and even looser in bad times. Countries have been converging towards MMT, without even realizing that they do. Of course, extraordinary macro policy support is absolutely necessary, in our view, in response to a global pandemic that takes place once in a century. However, the problem is that policies were loose and debt high even before the pandemic.

Inflation could eventually be the budget constraint

As long as there is no inflation, there is no budget constraint, in MMT and in the current state of the world. For as long as the pandemic lasts, fiscal and monetary policies can provide as much support as necessary and even more. Even after the pandemic, we would expect no rush to tighten policies, to avoid jeopardizing the recovery, as was also the case in the years following the global financial crisis. After all, Japan has been in this reality for the last 30 years.

In theory, at some point, loose macro policies, in both a good and a bad state of the global economy, will likely lead to inflation. The longer it takes the more addicted markets become to macro policy support making the eventual adjustment harder. Even if central banks are willing to overshoot their inflation target, non-linearities may make their task challenging, while in any case markets may start pricing rate hikes and the so-called central bank policy put could weaken. Only low inflation has allowed the I-am-so-bearish-I-am-bullish market in recent years. If and when at some point we do get inflation, this equilibrium will likely break.



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Recurring bubbles in a lowflation scenario

The obvious pushback is that inflation has been the dog that has not barked in recent decades. It is certainly the least of our concerns today, with output well below potential and our forecasts for a very weak recovery. Markets are also pricing low inflation and low interest rates for the foreseeable future.

However, in a lowflation scenario, debt is likely to remain high in most countries. To reduce debt to pre-Covid levels, and even more to pre-global financial crisis levels, would require massive fiscal austerity and private sector deleveraging. As long as inflation remains low and central banks keep policy rates at zero, there is no reason for such pain.

However, this is a scenario of recurring bubbles. The real economy is weak, but asset prices are strong because of loose macro policy support-more decoupling between Wall Street and main street. This will continue until unexpected shocks take place, asset price bubbles burst, which then needs even looser macro policies to avoid an even weaker real economy, leading to new asset price bubbles. The result is a vicious cycle spiralling to even higher debt levels, lower interest rates and larger central bank balance sheets, without inflation, but with an even weaker real economy and even worse asset price bubbles.

Most likely, this spiral started with low inflation in the 1990s, because of structural forces such as globalization and IT, and the widespread adoption of inflation targeting in the years that followed. Macro policies took advantage of low inflation to loosen too much, and one thing led to another, with a crisis every few years also keeping inflation low.

The end game is not clear, but unlikely to be smooth

Most likely, major central banks and most governments are aware of these risks, but they are stuck. Efforts to tighten in the past, even in small steps, led to sharp market adjustments. We can mention many examples, from the Fed’s QE taper tantrum and its sharp U-turn last year cutting rates and expanding its balance sheet despite unemployment being well below the natural rate, to the ECB being stuck with negative rates well after the crisis and despite serious side effects and reintroducing QE last year at effectively full employment. Government debt is already too high in most cases, particularly after the pandemic, to reduce it with fiscal consolidation in the years ahead, without hurting the already weak economy.

We see no easy way out. Again, we wouldn’t start from here. This is not a good place to be in for the global economy and it is getting worse with every shock, despite the market euphoria in the meantime. An already bad situation before the pandemic has now become worse. We are not sure how and when we will see the end-game, but in our view this is not a sustainable situation in the long term.